Major Grants
As Foundation assets grow, our Board of Directors have occasionally awarded funds for “major grants” which have a long-term economic or quality of life impact on the Floyd County community. The first such grant was in 2002 -- a $20,000,000 commitment over 20 years -- to the Scribner Place YMCA & Aquatic Center.
Grant Program Categories
Arts and Culture
to include the support of programs and facilities which are designed to establish a diversified cultural program that offers wide-spread opportunities for participation and appreciation
to include support for programs in pre-school, elementary and secondary education, post-secondary education, and for special education programs
Health and Medical
to include the support of health and medical-related programs
Community Development
to support projects and programs related to community infrastructure improvements, public safety, economic development, housing, historic preservation, citizen involvement, civic leadership training, and other general community activities
Human Services
to include the support of human service related programs in the areas of children and youth, senior citizens, disadvantaged populations, etc.